What is depression?

Depression is a corruption of your ego mind, caused by the crash of your conditioned hope program. Hope leads to hopelessness, because hope never fulfills its promise.

Ever wonder why celebrities kill themselves? Suicide by famous rock stars and actors is hard for most people to understand. They had talent, fame and fortune, why? My answer is simple. They were driven by hope that success would deliver the promises they craved. What is not readily understood is that great success leads to hopelessness, the failure of success.

I know from my personal experience of depression when I was 30 years old, that depression can be a transition to awakening; in my case from my attachment to thinking I knew everything to realizing I did not. There are two types of suicides. The one where you kill your body and the other infinitely more intelligent when you kill your ego, your attachment to your mindset.

We have a mind, a body, and a spiritual self. When all are together, we are balanced, we are one, healthy, and whole. We suffer depression when we are split, not together, imbalanced, without a connection to our feeling body of emotions and sensations of aliveness. Depression is a closed ego mind stuck in recurrent despairing and disempowering thought.

When ego mind is in control of our consciousness, the connection of the mind to the body and spirit is lost. Without the wisdom of the body and spirit, without access to feeling sensations and higher consciousness, negative and depressing thoughts can run unabated.

The paradoxical challenge to healing is that closed ego mind will not hear any truth and this mind is your depression. An example is your unshakeable belief you are your diagnosis of depression. Another paradox is that everyone believes they have an open mind. Imagine asking the most closed minded person you have ever met, Are you open minded? You know they will answer in the affirmative.

All egos want agreement with what they believe, because they want to be right. They set up situations to prove they are right. Egos hate, they resist confusion, they won’t introspect, and they will not be wrong. Egos defend or attack, but they will not surrender.

Ego mind is an aberration; it believes it is you. You are not your ego, you are infinitely more than a collection of beliefs. You have an ego, but when your ego has you, you are lost in reactions, unconsciously replaying your past. Depression is a symptom it is time for you to wake up and evolve. Only your openness is needed.

I teach awakening. Awakening is becoming aware of who you really are, by letting go of who you are not; it is about bringing to light, presence, joy, love, and creativity. Awakening usually begins with a crisis, when our conditioned program crashes. Otherwise we rarely change. Crisis is an opportunity to open our mind, because it is as shocking as realizing any truth.

Visit my web site at 2b-One.com I can help anyone get past their depression, once they are desperate enough for change, to open their mind.

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