
a collection of my recent writings about truth

What is love?


In words, Love is unconditional A’s, Acceptance, Appreciation, Approval, Attention, and Acknowledgement of our enlightened heart center. When Love is who we are, we love everyone. 

A’s are healing. We give A’s to ourselves to awaken and heal our heart, from the abuse we suffered in a loveless world. A’s have the power to nullify negative beliefs we learned. Negative beliefs block us from loving ourselves.

When we are unwilling to take responsibility for our awakening, when we lack the consciousness to give A’s to heal ourselves, A’s become needs that we crave, demand, or scheme to get love from others. 


Mind and heart

We have a mind and a heart, which are vastly different centers of consciousness. Mind is thought from the matrix program we have all been taught is Who we are. Heart is our love that has been so dominated, obscured, and controlled by minds, we are out of touch with the reality We Are Love.

Mind is time, Love is timeless. All minds are rooted in time, and there is no such thing as time. Past and future time are only ideas in the mind. Love exists only in the moment, beyond time, as does everything.

Inner peace happens now, when you discover what it is to be present now. All you have to do is let go of every idea that has to do with time, bc now is timeless. Mind is time, tension and stress, the cause of all dis-ease. Inner peace is love.


Some truth I observe.
The world mind is closed, in denial of any truth.
People are asleep; they only appear awake.

We all know people who trust all authorities, who believe everything on TV news. We all know people who believe politicians. We all know people who are unwilling to hear anything they don’t agree with.

Here is the truth I observe, about how this happens.

Everyone is willing to learn anything that interests them, but most are unwilling to learn or to observe anything about themselves, how they are, how they think and feel.

We have all been programmed and conditioned to be mind centered; we believe how and what we think is WHO WE ARE. We do not know, WE ARE LOVE.

Most everyone has a closed mind that never questions anything. The amusing part of all this, is most everyone believes their mind is open. Imagine asking the most closed minded person you have ever met, Are you open minded? You know they will say yes.

Are you sometimes aware your mind is closed? When the answer is yes, I know this individual has an open mind, because we must have an open mind to observe we are closed. An open mind is capable of learning.

Learn you are love, and your life transforms.


Duality is the play of opposites.

A coin has two sides, one side is opposite the other side,
Hope on one side of a coin, hopeless on the other,
Beautiful on one side, has ugly on the other,
Right on one side, wrong on the other,
Good one side, bad on another.

In this world, no idea can stand unopposed.
Religions and politics have their hostile opponents.
The moment Israel was created, anti-Israel came into being.

A coin, however, is one undivided thing,
Duality exists in the mind that thinks in concepts.
Dualistic thinking is how we judge between any opposites.

Realize the truth that there are no opposites in nature.
All is beautiful, nothing is ever wrong, or bad.
Light is not in opposition to darkness.

We learned to think conceptually and judge dualistically.
None of this is true in reality or exists in nature.
A belief in hope, produces hopelessness.
Success means to suffer failure.

A thing is what it is; everyone is who they are.
Any judgment distorts our thinking and perceptions.
Judgments wound, kill love, and corrupt communications.


Fuck Woke

I do NOT care at all about offending anyone’s feelings. I know I do not hurt anyone’s feelings. We all have repressed emotional pain from decades of having been hurt, and sometimes these repressions get triggered, at any time, by anything. We call these REACTIONS.

No one is to blame for anyone’s reactions. Own your reactions, because they indicate wounds you carry around, something you could heal, and learn from. The so-called culture we live in believes in being PC, politically correct, woke.

Woke is bullshit. Fuck woke. Wake up to this idiocy and all the insanity happening in this stupid heartless world. Politics is stupid. When everything is made political, the new normal is stupidity.


Ego and denial

A perspicacious perspective to asist you awakening.

The ego is denial incarnate; we are unwilling to see about ourselves and accept how we are.

A usual and surprising example of denial. 

The most obvious characteristic of someone is what they are not aware of about themselves; and, it is this same characteristic they find most offensive in others. 

To see any truth in yourself, observe your mind. This is one way to awaken, because ego cannot survive the light of observation, it lives in dark unconsciousness.

All conflict inside yourself and in the world results from failing to realize, You are what you hate. The higher esoteric reality is we are all mirrors for each other to observe ourselves.

Only those fearlessly on the path to truth will understand these words, because truths are disturbing, shocking, and disorienting. I teach awakening. Awakening is becoming aware of who you truly are, by letting go of who you are not; it is about bringing to light, presence, joy, love, and creativity. All that is required is your openness.


Fear is rampant, bc the truth of death is feared.

What is the truth of death that is feared?

We fear losing everything we know.

The amusing thing is, nothing is truly known.

Love and meditation both teach us this.

Everything in life is a mystery.


Evil and suffering

I call myself a Zen Master, because I teach meditation, the transcendental state of no-mind. This is the ultimate healing humanity desperately needs. The human mind of this world is insane and heartless, the cause of all evil and suffering on this planet.

Mind is only a program we are conditioned to believe is who we are. It is not existential, it is intangible and ethereal. No one can see it, feel it, or touch it.

You don’t need your programmed mind. Without it, you can realize what love is, what freedom and joy is. With it, you suffer evil, misery, depression.

There are many methods to evolve out of your programmed mind, however, most are not interested, because the program comes with an attachment of fear. Your mind program believes it is who you are, so anything that disturbs it, evokes a fear of death.

Only those who have suffered deeply enough to risk death, ever question their programmed mind. I doubted my mind on the brink of suicide. I came out of a very long depression immediately after realizing I didn’t know everything.


The truth of this world

Most everyone actually believes they know everything. Few ever question any of it, which is why they do not know love.

What everyone knows was taught by authorities, who believe they know everything. They do not know love.

We all believe what we were taught. We grew up in an insane and loveless society, hence we are easy prey for politicians and psychopaths.

Pain is the teacher. When suffering is bad enough, those with enough intelligence question what they believe they know. This is how we wake up, open our mind and heart.


The truth is too simple.

We are all one; the same, only in different bodies. This truth eludes us, because we are attached to programmed and conditioned beliefs that are false. We believe how and what we think is Who we are, so we have great resistance to even questioning our mindset. Luckily, a huge crisis is coming by the most arrogant, evil, and tyrannical world leaders. I say Luckily, because in crisis, pain, and enough suffering, we will question everything we believe; we will wake up and come together as one. Then we can change the repressive history handed down for thousands of years.


Everyone is a mirror.

Mirrors can only mirror.

Only fools blames a mirror.

Every moment everyone reflects you,

for you to observe an aspect of yourself,

you would rather deny is not how you are.

Accept the truth that we are one, we are love.