How love can change this world

The rulers of this world are not loving, generous people. They are greedy for wealth and power. They are constantly in competition with rivals to gloat over winning. They live in despair when they lose. Winning is their attempt to feel better; it futile because nothing fails like success. They are miserable, wretched people who are suffering; they are either stressed, bored, or depressed.

The people who run this world do not know contentment, love, or peace. They are miserable people who put on a show of being happy. Do not be fooled by their pretense. If they were truly happy with their wealth and power, they would share their happiness. They do the opposite, because of their misery.

Unhappy people hate to see others who are happy, loving, peaceful, and content. Misery loves company. Those who are miserable want to see others who are also miserable. For far too long, the rulers have created suffering on this planet for most people. This writing is about a strategy to change this situation.

Political change does not work to change this world. It has been tried and has failed, because new rulers always become the same as the old rulers. Albert Einstein is broadly credited with exclaiming “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.

Only a change of consciousness can change this world. It will happen in two steps. The first, we must all awaken to discover that our contentment, love, and peace has been hiding inside ourselves. I know this is possible for everyone, because it is true. The second step will happen automatically when the rulers observe the masses are joyful, content, and loving. How?

Pain is the teacher, it is how we learn something is wrong. The miserable people who run this world will feel more miserable than ever before, when they observe we are all joyful, content, and loving. Their pain and suffering will increase, as well as their awareness to discover what is wrong. When the rulers finally awaken, we can teach them the love we have learned. This is how love can change this world.

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