One Love

The state of the world is this.

Politics and religions create a false identity. Once we identify with these fictions, regardless of how traditional or ridiculous, we are now separate from others, from those who do not believe and identify as we do. Hate, conflict, wars, immense suffering follow when religious and political leaders agitate fanatical believers by simply waving their flags.

The truth is this.

We are all one. We usually deny all humans are one and the same, because we observe superficial differences in each other. Yet all humans, at some point in time, feel, think, and behave as we all do. We are fooled to believe we are not all one and the same, because we are not all one and the sameā€”at the same time!

When we feel the same as someone, in that moment, we feel connected. When we agree with someone, we feel friendly, in that moment. When our hearts are connected, in that moment, we feel love. When we connect with ourselves, we discover the present moment. Being in the present moment is One Love.

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